Doctor: home routers can cause a number of unfavorable conditions

Elin Sharifullin's doctor: irritability, headache, problems with sleeping at night can be caused by the influence of home routers.

The doctor said that home routers that provide Wi-Fi can cause a number of unfavorable conditions. Their negative impact is especially significant for people whose bodies are highly sensitive to electromagnetic vibrations.

Elina Sharifullina noted that when staying in a room where there are many electrical appliances working at once, it is quite possible to feel worse and have negative symptoms.

“Among the main symptoms of excessive exposure to home routers and other devices on a person: headache, dizziness, nausea, fatigue, irritability, memory impairment,” the expert reported.

In in cases where there is hypersensitivity to electromagnetic waves, the risk of hypertensive crises and suffocation attacks increases. The doctor added: the effect of WiFi on the body, constant use of the Internet creates the effect of stress – as a result, a person feels exhausted by nervous overstrain, as well as sleep problems.

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Author: alex

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