Doctor names berry that causes health problems in people over 60

According to the nutritionist, grapes can be safely called the most dangerous berry for people after 60 years.

The doctor said in an interview that a passion for grapes can negatively affect the functioning of an elderly body. Speaking about the fact that grapes provoke health problems in people after 60 years of age, she noted: this plant product has a high glycemic index, that is, after its consumption, blood sugar levels can immediately increase significantly.

“This berry is contraindicated for diabetics and is even considered dangerous. Many elderly people suffer from insulin resistance or diabetes, so it is better for them not to eat grapes,” the dietitian shared.

The doctor added that if the body is sensitive to grape components, eating them can lead to exacerbation of gastritis and ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract. In particular, after its consumption, gastric juice begins to be secreted more intensively.

If there is kidney failure, you also cannot eat grapes. This contraindication is associated with the high potassium content in its berries.

“Foods rich in this element should not be consumed in cases of kidney failure,” the expert emphasized.

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Author: alex

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