Doctor: To the bowel cancer leads to chocolate consumption rather than meat

0 nuclei, but a noise, but a cub in the intestine. Such a view is upheld by the famous London doctor, the colorectal surgeon Roger Leechester.

Recently, doctors and nutritionists have been calling to reduce red meat. Its regular presence in the diet is associated with an increased risk of bowel cancer. Specialist claims that chocolate consumption increases the likelihood of getting bowel cancer more significantly than the love of meat dishes.

According to the doctor, there is no clear evidence that red meat leads to the development of bowel cancer. The surgeon explains that the theory of damage to meat as a possible bowel cancer provocateur occurred in the 1970s. Scientists then discovered that the vegetarian risk of bowel cancer is slightly lower than other people.

Leechester believes that to associate the reduced risk of this type of cancer was incorrect with the rejection of meat, since the impact of other factors that existed in the life of the auto. According to him, such factors could be the healthy habits of these people and their other features, but with the likelihood of bowel cancer, for some reason, the aspect of meat and meat refusal. It is these two substances that often cause tumor processes in the gastrointestinal tract. However, for some reason no one advises to give up chocolate. Instead, people are advised to give up meat, although its lack in the diet increases the risk of anemia, ”the surgeon said.

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Author: alex

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