Doctors: 12 effective rules will help preserve the health of the liver
Doctors urge to take care of health, including the state of internal organs. 12 effective rules will help protect the liver from ailments.
The first requirement of doctors is the need not to abuse alcoholic beverages, the liver spends a lot of energy processing them, a dose of 10 g of alcohol is destroyed in an hour. Next, you need to abandon self-medication, the medicine should be taken according to the doctor's prescription. Fried food should be excluded from the diet due to the formation of toxic substances – carcinogens. There are especially many of them in a thick fried crust.
It is necessary to avoid trans fats, which are added to ketchups, mayonnaise, sauces, ready-made fried and baked products in supermarkets, the same applies to the liver. It is necessary to consume more fresh vegetables, fruits and berries in the amount of 400 grams per day. They contain trace elements, vitamins and fiber that cleanses the liver. It is necessary to add unrefined vegetable oils, including olive and linseed oils, to dishes every day.
The next rule is the need to introduce poultry meat into the diet. Attention should be paid to the fish of the northern seas due to the presence of omega-3 fatty acids in it. It is recommended to use beans, peas and lentils. Seeds and nuts are also useful due to the presence of fatty acids in them, which cleanse the liver.
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