Doctors called non-obvious symptoms of deadly diseases
People often attribute the signs of serious illness to stress, aging, or illness. Doctors warn that the unexplained changes you notice in your body may indicate a deadly disease. And it can often be prevented if you consult a specialist in time.
According to Mental Health America, more than 50% of people with panic attacks do not receive treatment. And it is dangerous not only for mental health. Potentially, panic attacks can have a negative impact on physical health. Most often, they cause chest pain and a feeling of tightness, which is a symptom of coronary heart disease.
At the same time, banal shortness of breath indicates problems with the heart. In some cases, it is normal to feel it. However, exercise intolerance and severe shortness of breath with mild exertion suggest heart failure, says Andrew T. Darlington, MD, a physician specializing in severe heart failure at the Piedmont Heart Institute in Atlanta.
Few people consider heartburn to be something serious. However, if it is observed too often and does not go away for a long time, then this may be a sign of a condition called Barrett's esophagus. People with this disease are at increased risk of developing esophageal cancer.
Heart attacks don't always happen suddenly. Most of them start with a mild pain or discomfort in the chest that may go away and come back. This misleads people who attribute the discomfort to indigestion.
According to cardiologist, doctor of medicine Stephen Sinatra, a sign of a stroke in a woman can be hiccups. If it is accompanied by pain in the face, shortness of breath, nausea and general weakness, you should immediately consult a doctor. It is also recommended to pay attention to constant headaches, which are also considered a sign of a stroke.
Meningitis is often indicated by severe headaches or neck pain. The usual clumsiness that causes a person to constantly stumble or miss something can turn out to be amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), a progressive disease of the nervous system that destroys motor neuron cells and leads to impaired performance and death. No less dangerous reddening of the hands or feet is a symptom of a rare but deadly bacterial infection that affects the skin and fat under the skin. Pigmentation of the palms is a sign of Addison's disease, due to which the adrenal glands fail. Double vision and a drooping eyelid can sometimes be a sign of a brain aneurysm.
Also, doctors advise paying more attention to cough (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease), wheezing (lung cancer), abdominal pain (abdominal aortic aneurysm), small red bumps or pimples on the body (methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus), constant fatigue (diabetes or heart disease), frequent urination (diabetes), bad breath (diabetes, liver or kidney disease), metallic taste in the mouth (kidney disease ), swelling (kidney disease), folds on the earlobe (ischemic heart disease), new marks on the skin (melanoma), night sweats (lymphoma and leukemia), easy bruising or bleeding for no reason (leukemia), difficulty swallowing (esophageal cancer) , unintentional weight loss (cancer of the digestive organs), bloating (cancer of the colon, ovaries, stomach and pancreas), gastrointestinal problems (colon cancer), facial swelling (tumor).
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