Doctors called the product dangerous for the liver

Liver disease can cause a number of problems, from discomfort to threat health Bacon is a dangerous product for this organ, inflammatory processes may increase.

In some cases, you should reconsider your food preferences. Specialists conducted observations, examining more than 40,100 people aged 20-80 years. The scientists then compared the obtained indicators with the so-called “Dietary Inflammatory Index” (Dietary Inflammatory Index, DII).

It allows you to determine how much a person's diet contributes to the emergence of negative processes in the body. Researchers take into account the work of the liver.

Currently, an increasing number of people are diagnosed with non-alcoholic fatty dystrophy of this organ. About 30% of the Earth's population suffer from this disease, and the problem will only intensify in the coming years.

You should give up bacon and fast food. Such food intensifies negative aspects, in some cases dangerous diseases occur. Foods with a high content of saturated fats and cholesterol harm the liver.

It is recommended to introduce more fruits, berries and vegetables into the diet, as they are rich in fiber and nutrients. In addition, these products have a low DII indicator.

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Author: alex

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