Doctors called the side effects of popular diets

Doctors have said that popular diets are not a long-term weight loss option. In addition, they have little -known side effects called experts. Man eats less fruits, vegetables and cereals, replacing them with high protein and fat products. However, such a diet can harm the body, which is the lack of energy, nausea, disorders of the stomach, as well as reducing mental function. After research, doctors have found that this method of weight loss controls diabetes, but can lead to hypoglycemia or low blood glucose when taking sugar. Moreover, a diet is capable of causing diarrhea and odor from the mouth.

whole30 includes a refusal for 30 days of alcohol, sugar and dairy products. They should be replaced with fruits, vegetables, seafood, meat and eggs. Then the above products are re -included in the diet for 31 days of a diet, and the reaction of the body suggests that it is necessary or not recommended. The side effect in this case is the risk of colorectal cancer. First, proteins are introduced, then vegetables and some carbohydrates. This type of nutrition is as harmful to humans as the above. Doctors advise to choose a Mediterranean diet because it is healthier.

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Author: alex

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