Doctors: Consumption of beets normalizes blood pressure in hypertensive patients
Beets are extremely useful for health, with its use improves the work of the gastrointestinal tract. Doctors from the USA have discovered another healing property of the vegetable, which has a positive effect on health, it normalizes blood pressure in hypertensive patients.
Experts say that beets prevent the aging of the body thanks to a significant amount of useful trace elements, which are extremely important for humans. . In some cases, their effectiveness can be compared with medicinal preparations.
The named product contains proteins, carbohydrates, fats and ascorbic acid. It contains potassium, phosphorus, zinc, magnesium, iron and calcium. It is recommended to use beets for constipation, as well as for heart failure.
At the same time, doctors have discovered another effect of beets – it is able to lower blood pressure due to the expansion of blood vessels. You should drink beetroot juice, as the drink prevents hypertension attacks. It is also recommended to use this product in boiled or baked form.
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