Doctors debunked common myths about a healthy lifestyle

Doctors told what common myths about ЖСЖ do not correspond to reality. Nowadays, recommendations about health are given almost everywhere, but not all such advice can be blindly trusted.

There is an opinion that every day a person should drink at least 2 liters of water. However, all people are different in terms of height and weight. Experts admit that liquid is really important for health, it is necessary that the body receives it in sufficient quantity, and everything depends on individual indicators. Part of the norm enters the body with food and drinks, and not only in its pure form. If you don't want to drink, then there is no need for water. If you try too hard, you can provoke hyponatremia, when fluid retention occurs in the body. In the long term, this threatens with an increased risk of developing cardiovascular diseases.

Another myth says that you need to take 10,000 steps every day. Experts insist that the mentioned norm appeared with the release of all kinds of gadgets that count the distance traveled, so it is a marketing ploy. In reality, everything depends on the person himself, his lifestyle and state of health. Who really needs to move more is office workers.

In order to stay slim, many people refuse to eat after 6:00 p.m. However, ignoring hunger is even more dangerous for health. When this feeling arises, the bile necessary for the assimilation of food enters the duodenum. When the latter is absent, juices and bile begin to irritate the digestive organs. This can lead to the development of an ulcer, stagnation of bile or the formation of stones in the gallbladder.

Running is useful, but not for everyone. It will not be the best solution if a person has cardiovascular diseases, excess weight or joint problems.

Thanks to the competent work of marketers, the myth that gluten is harmful for everyone has appeared. In fact, there are no scientific facts in favor of giving up this protein among those who do not suffer from its intolerance. It is enough to know the measure and not to rely too much on products with a high gluten content.

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Author: alex

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