Doctors debunked myths about the unique properties of famous superfoods
Goji berries, chia seeds, kale (curly cabbage) are considered superfoods that are rich in nutrients that are good for humans. However, their unique benefits are overrated because they can easily be replaced with a similar composition for much less money. Myths about the unique properties of superfoods were debunked by nutritionists.
Chia seeds contain eight times more healthy saturated fatty acids than salmon. However, flaxseed can be a serious competitor to them in terms of omega-3 content. At the same time, flaxseed is about five times cheaper, the doctor pointed out.
According to doctors, rich in antioxidants, vitamins and fiber, goji berries can easily be replaced by any other berry. And kale, which contains a lot of easily digestible calcium, iron and fiber, is as useful as spinach or broccoli.
Furthermore, nutritionists urge to abandon the idea that superfoods have some magical properties and neutralize the effect of harmful products. Such a perception was formed due to the fault of marketers, who aim to sell as many products as possible.
“It must be admitted that the history of the emergence of the name “superfood” is not so much related to the benefits of products as to marketing. It is clear that this term is more useful for increasing sales than for providing recommendations on optimal nutrition,” said the nutritionist.
Goji berries, chia, kale and other superfoods are really beneficial for human health in their own way, but they cannot replace a full and varied diet and protect the body if it consumes a large amount of harmful food. Therefore, doctors do not advise getting overly excited about expensive superfoods. They recommend choosing cheaper analogues and generally eating right.
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