Doctors discover unusual symptom of vitamin B12 deficiency

Vitamin B12 is necessary for the proper formation of red blood cells – erythrocytes. They provide the body's tissues with oxygen. A lack of B12 can lead to anemia. This vitamin is not found in plant foods, so vegetarians and vegans may experience B12 deficiency.

As a recent study has shown, a hoarse voice and glossitis can indicate a lack of this substance in the body. In this painful condition, the tongue swells and becomes inflamed. If these symptoms occur simultaneously with depression or memory loss, experts recommend consulting a doctor.

With a vitamin B12 deficiency, a doctor may prescribe injections. Vegetarians may find it difficult to create a diet rich in this substance. Some soy products artificially enriched with the vitamin, and yeast pastes may help.

Previously, it was reported that a lack of vitamin B12 can be determined by the condition of the lips. Another characteristic symptom is tingling in the extremities due to insufficient blood supply.

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Author: alex

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