Doctors dispelled myths about the popular citrus fruit

For many housewives, yellow citrus is a panacea for almost everything. It is added to the soup if it is oversalted. With a cold, the fruit is brewed with tea. It is also popular in beauty recipes, for example, baths are often made with it to strengthen nails.

Experts told everything about the famous citrus fruit. Yes, they confirmed that lemon helps fight viruses. This is due to the large amount of vitamin C in its composition.

At the same time, experts noted that one fruit alone will not save you from a cold. Lemon will only help to fill up the lack of vitamin during illness faster. A lot of this substance is used to fight the virus.

Another useful property of lemon is that it helps with headaches. Here we are talking about citrus essential oil. It relieves migraine spasm well.

There are also myths about the properties of lemon. They were dispelled by specialists. Yes, they said that water with the addition of citrus juice does not help to remove toxins. Moreover, acidic juice can provoke heartburn with gastritis or inflammatory diseases of the stomach.

Also, according to experts, lemon with honey and dried apricots does not cure diabetes. They explained that people with this disease should adhere to a certain diet, in which the amount of products with easily digestible carbohydrates (honey, dried apricots, sugar, jam, jam) is limited.

The last myth is that citric acid spoils tooth enamel, i.e. eats her. Experts refuted this. According to them, the fruit does not affect the condition of the teeth. At the same time, they advised to limit the amount of citrus in the diet of people with peptic ulcer disease.

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Author: alex

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