Doctors explained how to get rid of three causes of a heart attack at once
A heart attack can be prevented if you take care of the heart muscle. The leading cause of potential death is coronary heart disease, a condition in which the arteries that supply blood to the muscles become clogged with fatty deposits. Then the heart muscle experiences a lack of oxygen, which leads to death.
Among the causes that disrupt the work of the heart, scientists single out high blood pressure. This extra strain on the heart does him no good. In the long run, it only makes him weaker. Therefore, it is important to ensure that the pressure is always normal.
Cholesterol is no less dangerous for the heart. This waxy, fatty substance is produced in the liver and is found in certain foods that we eat. Low-density lipoprotein (LDL) is considered “bad” cholesterol because it can stick to artery walls. This leads to their narrowing and can reduce blood flow to the heart. To prevent this, you should pay attention to your diet and follow a balanced diet.
Diabetes means that there is an excess of sugar in the bloodstream. And it can also damage the arteries. Diet is also important in the fight against diabetes.
As doctors note, the above-mentioned diseases that increase the risk of a heart attack are most often associated with excess weight. So it makes sense that maintaining a healthy weight (or losing weight if necessary) is an excellent way to prevent coronary heart disease.
To lose weight, you need to burn more calories than you eat. This can be achieved by eating smaller portions and choosing “low-fat, low-calorie foods.” In terms of diet, it is recommended to eat fresh fruits, vegetables and whole grains. It is also recommended to replace sugary drinks with water and devote more time to sports.
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