Doctors explained how to recognize the symptoms of a dangerous injury

Head injuries can happen at any time, especially in children. Playing sports, falling, even hitting furniture in the dark can be quite painful. Usually the damage to health is limited to bruises and sores, but sometimes the consequences can be more serious.

British neurosurgeon Colin Schiff told Netdoctor about the signs by which you can recognize serious brain damage from a strong impact. Even with one of these syndromes, it is recommended to consult a doctor immediately.

The doctor advises to call an “ambulance” if there is a long loss of consciousness, distortion of consciousness, vision problems, feeling drowsy, repeated headaches. Pupils of different sizes, weakness in the legs and arms after the impact, as well as vomiting more than twice should also cause alarm.

If the child hit his head, doctors advise not to panic. “Kids hit their head a lot, and while it's scary for parents, the child usually recovers pretty quickly after the first hit,” Schiff reassures. However, if after the injury the child has lost consciousness, his vision is unfocused, problems with speech and hearing or vomiting have begun, it is recommended to immediately seek medical help.

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Author: alex

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