Doctors explained the appearance of moles on certain parts of the body


Scientists from the Medical College of London explained the appearance of moles on certain parts of the body.

birthmarks are on the body of almost every person. According to scientists, several factors influence their appearance. The main ones are heredity and ultraviolet radiation. All volunteers were healthy at the time of the study. In the future the results obtained researchers intend to use in the diagnosis and treatment of melanoma.

According to doctors, all acquired Birthmarks appear in the first half of life, and in the second half of them disappear, and some can crawl, pale, or, conversely, becomes brighter. After any impact of ultraviolet (after sunbathing in the sun, in the solarium) moles “activate”, darken, enlarge, new ones appear. – This is a reason to see a doctor as soon as possible.

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Author: alex

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