Doctors explained when pain in the back of the head warns of high cholesterol

Frequent episodes of unpleasant pain in the back of the head can be a warning sign of high cholesterol.

Cholesterol, which is contained in our blood, brings many health benefits – for example, it helps to create cells. When doctors talk about high cholesterol, it usually means that there is too much low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol in the blood. Type LDL is a harmful form of cholesterol, when cholesterol plaques stick to places of damage on the inner walls of arteries, and their accumulation contributes to clogging of the lumen. This impairs blood flow and oxygen delivery to tissues, increasing the risk of heart disease and stroke.

The process of accumulation of cholesterol plaques in the circulatory system often goes unnoticed, but an elevated cholesterol level is not entirely symptomless. Pain in the back of the head, for example, can warn of it.

“According to the specialists of Medicover Hospitals, frequent headaches in the back of the head are a warning sign of high cholesterol.”

Doctors explain : in cases where cholesterol deposits contribute to clogging of blood vessels in the area around the head, this can cause an unpleasant state of discomfort, pain in the back of the head. Their frequency is a very serious reason to be examined by a therapist, experts emphasize.

If elevated cholesterol is not corrected in any way, blood vessels can burst and cause a stroke, doctors warn.

Who needs to be checked? cholesterol level? The only effective way to find out if you have high cholesterol is to have a blood test. The NHS recommends that people over the age of 40 who have not had a test be tested for cholesterol – especially those who are overweight, have heart disease and have a family history of high cholesterol.

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Author: alex

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