Doctors explained why a heart break may occur
heart break is a violation of the integrity of the heart walls. With a weak organ from birth, even a strong fright can be triggered.
In 90% of cases, heart rupture occurs instantly. The person is unconscious, his face and the upper half of the trunk acquire a characteristic earthy blue shade, veins swell on the neck, the pupils expand. Among its symptoms is severe pain in the heart, from which it does not save the use of painkillers, grave skin, cold sweat, arrhythmia.
Can a heart break from severe fright? Experts have said that in the presence of good health, this can not happen: the body will certainly respond to severe stress of pressure and rapid heartbeat, but will still cope with such a load. But with a weak heart and general health, adrenaline, characteristic of severe experiences, can provoke myocardial infarction. Then, against its background, a rupture of the middle wall of the heart is really possible. In addition, heart ruptures are possible due to anomalies of heart muscle development – for example, the organ can be very thin areas that can be broken due to increased physical activity. amyloidosis. In the case of these diseases in the myocardium, substances that are not in it – in particular, amyloid, complex of proteins and carbohydrates, accumulate, ”experts said.
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