Doctors explained why you should not treat wounds with peroxide
Doctors explained the reasons why hydrogen peroxide is not the best tool for treating wounds. Many people start looking for it in the first-aid kit, considering it a safe solution, but in reality it is better to use analogs.
It is generally accepted that the more peroxide is applied to the affected area, the better the effect will be. Many have had this idea since childhood, when mothers and grandmothers advised to urgently treat the wound with the indicated means.
Even on TikTok, a number of users share videos where they apply peroxide to cuts, and therefore admire the hissing reaction. Doctors do not try to deny that hydrogen peroxide has antiseptic properties.
However, its use does more harm than good when it comes to treating wounds. The skin is the largest organ in the human body, it protects the entire body from the penetration of harmful bacteria. The latter live, including on the skin, their number exceeds the mark of 1.5 trillion.
When a person receives a cut or wound, the body launches a series of operational reactions to minimize damage and speed up healing. If hydrogen peroxide is used, there is a risk of causing corrosive tissue damage. This interferes with the regeneration and tightening of the cut. Moreover, the more abundantly the tool is used, the higher the risk that the inflammatory process will begin and blisters will appear.
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