Doctors from Great Britain named the symptom of two types of cancer

The presence of painful ulcers in the mouth, which that do not heal for a long time can be a symptom of two types of cancer at once, including a malignant process in the oral cavity, said doctors from Great Britain.

According to the NHS, the National Health Service of Great Britain, ulcers in the oral cavity are associated with a number of diseases, including cancer.

British doctors state that cases of cancer of the oral cavity have recently increased. According to maxillofacial surgeon Kerry Newlands, this type of cancer has become more common among women and young people.

“The human papillomavirus, which belongs to a very common group of viruses, can cause cancer of the oral cavity. Scientists associate its spread with sexual transmission,” Newlands said.

In addition, ulcers in the mouth that do not heal for a long time can be a symptom of another type of cancer – cervical cancer, she added.

The same symptom is characteristic of autoimmune diseases, it manifests itself with a deficiency of vitamins and iron in the body, Crohn's disease, lichen planus, herpes. Also, mouth ulcers can occur as a result of mechanical damage (for example, when using a toothbrush incorrectly, hot food).

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Author: alex

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