Doctors have found an effective way to treat breast cancer
Scientists conducted a study of a new drug called ribociclib, which significantly increased the survival of patients diagnosed with breast cancer.
Experts studied the effects of the drug on women with HER2-negative cancer that is sensitive to hormone therapy.
They were divided into two groups: one received traditional hormone therapy to reduce the amount of estrogen in the body, which feeds cancer cells.
The second group additionally took the drug ribociclib. It turned out that three and a half years after the start of the tests, 46% of patients in the first group were alive, and 70% in the second.
It is emphasized that the study was conducted with young women who had not yet reached menopause and whose tumors had metastasized or grown to other parts of the body.
“This is an important group for the study, since advanced breast cancer is one of the leading causes of cancer death in women aged 20 to 59, and a large part of such tumors are susceptible to hormonal therapy,” said the head of the study, Sarah Gerwitz, an oncologist at the University of California, Los Angeles Cancer Center.
The experiment was sponsored by Novartis, which produces ribociclib.
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