Doctors have found out which product can be safe for diabetics

Patients with type 2 diabetes are usually not advised to eat foods with a high glycemic index (GI). This is a measure used to determine how certain foods raise blood sugar. Such a reaction is called a glycemic response.

People with type 2 diabetes are usually advised not to eat potatoes at night. This product is believed to significantly increase GI. Instead, doctors recommend such side dishes as basmati rice. The study shows that potatoes may be more useful than previously thought.

Researchers studied the effect of eating potatoes as part of a mixed meal on the nighttime glycemic response. They conducted four experiments with a group of volunteers. It included 24 men and women with type 2 diabetes.

Each meal during the experiment consisted of 50% carbohydrates, 30% fat and 20% protein. Dinner consisted of boiled, fried, boiled and cooled potatoes or basmati rice. Blood samples were taken before and after meals to monitor and control the participants' glycemic response. They also wore monitors at night to monitor blood sugar levels while they slept.

The researchers concluded that there was no significant difference in the glycemic response after eating boiled or fried high-GI potato dishes compared to rice low GI basmati. What's more, it turns out that overnight potatoes may be more beneficial than a popular diet product.

“Our research shows that high-GI foods like potatoes can be used as part of a healthy diet without having a negative impact on glycemic response. At the same time, the necessary nutrients are provided with a relatively small amount of calories, which is important for patients with type 2 diabetes.” – explained the author of the study, Dr. Brooke Devlin from Australia's La Trobe University in Melbourne.

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Author: alex

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