Doctors have listed the beneficial and harmful properties of cod liver
Many people consider cod liver to be a miracle cure that will help you get better, and this is right, but only partially, since it also has side effects. Doctors have listed the beneficial and harmful properties of this product.
Cod liver is rich in nutrients that really have a beneficial effect on the human body, but you should not idealize it. The product will help strengthen immunity, improve vision and hair condition, and have a positive effect on the skin. Cod liver will slow down the process of wrinkle formation, rejuvenate, and have a positive effect on bones and teeth. It is useful for pregnant women for fetal development. Cod liver will reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular and musculoskeletal diseases. With its help, it will be possible to minimize the likelihood of cognitive impairment and digestive disorders. The liver has a beneficial effect on the visual organs due to vitamin A. It increases potency in men and testosterone.
At the same time, cod liver has a number of contraindications. Before regular use of the drug, you should consult a doctor. The permissible daily norm is 30-50 grams. With abuse, hypervitaminosis is possible. Cod liver should not be included in the diet of people taking anticoagulants, as it thins the blood. The product will cause harm in case of urolithiasis, allergies, and hypotension.
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