Doctors have listed the rules that can reduce the risk of a repeated stroke
In order to prevent a second stroke, it is necessary to control blood pressure and try to lead an active lifestyle, neurosurgeon Arthur Wang and neurologist Anthony Kim are sure.
For according to Wang, regular physical activity stops the accumulation of cholesterol plaques in the arteries and allows you to avoid their blockage. The doctor recommended exercising for at least 30 minutes five times a week to prevent any heart problems. It can be walking, running, cycling, working in the garden or group training.
The neurosurgeon called a regular preventive examination another habit that can reduce the risk of a repeated stroke. According to him, the risk factors for the development of this pathology are overweight, high cholesterol and blood sugar levels, and hypertension. If a person ignores medical examination, he may never know about exceeding these indicators.
Wang also urged those who have suffered a stroke to be sure to follow a diet and consume saturated fats, sugar and salt in limited quantities. The diet should be rich in fresh fruits, vegetables, fish and a small amount of meat, he noted.
Neurologist Kim called regular control of blood pressure a prerequisite for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, since hypertension – one of the main risk factors for stroke. In addition, according to the doctor, you should stop smoking and limit alcohol consumption. “These habits certainly increase the risk of stroke and heart disease, for that matter. They cause the blood vessels to narrow, which can eventually block blood flow to part of the brain, which is essentially a stroke,” concluded Kim.
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