Doctors have named the signs by which you can suspect skin cancer
As experts noted, about 10% of dangerous moles look completely normal and do not give away their malignancy with other symptoms.
American doctors talked about how to suspect skin cancer. Experts noted that in approximately 10% of cases, malignant moles do not give themselves away, so any moles whose diameter exceeds 6 millimeters, as well as formations that change, should be considered suspicious.
According to experts, melanoma most often develops in areas exposed to the sun, that is, on open areas of the skin – on the face, neck, hands. But malignant formations can appear on absolutely any areas of the skin.
Moles that begin to change should cause concern – this can be a change in color, usually darkening. Moles that acquire uneven outlines, hurt, or itch should also be checked. A bad sign can be peeling of the mole and redness of the skin next to it.
Doctors advise being careful when sunbathing. It is important to use protective equipment and not overuse tanning. It is better to refrain from tanning during the hours of maximum solar activity.
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