Doctors have named the unexpected causes of dark circles under the eyes
Doctors have told about unexpected causes of dark circles under the eyes. Most often, the problem is associated with fatigue and lack of normal sleep, but this is not the only factor.
Circles under the eyes can appear with eczema because, against the background of itching, a person constantly rubs and scratches this area. Such a habit threatens with swelling and inflammation, coupled with damage to blood vessels. Since the skin around the eyes is thin, it suffers greatly from UV radiation, so it is better to apply SPF protection to your face before going outside.
In some cases, genetics can be the culprit, but if it is pigmentation, a dermatologist can correct it with the help of special lasers. Sometimes it is all about the shape of the face. If a person has deep nasolacrimal grooves by nature, then with age they can intensify, actually darkening the area under the eyes.
Due to allergies, the level of free histamine in the body can increase, which provokes the expansion of capillaries. Due to the thinness of the skin under the eyes, dilated blood vessels in this area appear darker than on other parts of the face. Bruises under the eyes can be related to makeup, as some cosmetics lead to allergies and irritation.
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