Doctors have named three ways to avoid breast cancer after 35 years of age
Scientists have told about the three most effective ways to protect yourself from oncology. A healthy diet, refusal to use contraceptives and outdoor recreation will help to avoid breast cancer after 35 years.
According to research by British scientists, breast cancer is the most common cause of death in women in the age range from 35 to 54 years. Therefore, the issue of preventing this dangerous disease is becoming very relevant. Doctors have named three ways that will help reduce the risk of breast cancer.
In addition to genetic factors, the cause of the disease can be poor environmental conditions in the area of ​​residence, alcohol consumption and junk food, as well as taking hormonal contraceptives.
Proper nutrition will help avoid many health problems, including cancer. A diet consisting of vegetables, fruits, cereals, lean meat, greens, fish, legumes and linseed oil will help improve the body and strengthen the immune system. Refusing alcohol and drinking enough water will also give good results and reduce the risks of cancer.
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