Doctors have revealed the main misconceptions about high temperature

Medics from Spain have shared the main mistakes regarding high temperature in humans. They told what can and cannot be done in such situations.

Employees of the Spanish Association of Pediatricians recalled that high temperature is an attempt by the body to resist a virus or infection. It does not harm the brain or other systems, and seizures in the process can occur in no more than 4% of citizens. Ibuprofen-based drugs are equally effective for pain, as are paracetamol, although aspirin is not recommended for children.

Reducing the temperature by rubbing alcohol, wet compresses, taking a shower, etc. is strongly discouraged. You should also not wrap yourself in too much clothing or undress excessively. Doctors recommend drinking plenty of water when you have a fever, and in serious cases and if complications occur, consult a doctor.

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Author: alex

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