Doctors have revealed which soups increase the risk of stroke
Doctors advise to avoid canned soups.
Soups are considered a useful dish from a dietary point of view – they provide the body with liquid, create volume in the stomach and satiety, which helps not to overeat with more harmful and high-calorie food. However, there is a category of soups, the benefits of which are evaluated by doctors with extreme skepticism.
Medical experts of the Home care assistance portal recommend minimizing consumption or eliminating canned soups from the diet, which, in their opinion, can increase the risk of stroke.
“Products that have undergone technological processing usually contain a lot of salt, and these include canned soups, which represent a particular danger with systematic consumption.”
It is the excess of salt (more precisely, sodium) that doctors consider to be a factor , which makes a person prone to stroke. It causes the body to accumulate fluid, which contributes to an increase in pressure. The consequences of this are heart diseases and strokes.
Experts advise giving preference to self-prepared food.
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