Doctors have told how many hours of sleep are actually enough for good health

< p>Everyone knows the approximate number of hours needed to sleep and spend the day as productively as possible. Some say they feel great after five hours of sleep, others need at least eight.

It is known that lack of sleep has a negative effect on general well-being. If the problem exists for a long time, we can talk about chronic lack of sleep, which affects health. 

Doctors remind us that a good night's rest is necessary to restore the body after daytime activity, especially the heart, blood vessels, immune and cardiovascular systems. That is why it is so important to get enough sleep.

“Studies have shown that those who frequently sleep less than six hours a night are at significantly higher risk of stroke and heart disease, and there is evidence that lack of sleep can increase the stress response by releasing hormones that increase heart rate and blood pressure.” pressure,” experts warned.

There is no right amount of sleep for everyone, but doctors recommend sleeping at least seven hours a day. Most experts agree that an adult needs seven to nine hours of sleep to feel rested in the morning.

At the same time, it is worth considering the quality of sleep, which is no less important than its quantity, noted experts Although studies show that regular sleep of less than six hours a day is associated with many negative consequences for the body, poor sleep is also harmful to health.

Doctors call the following factors the main indicators of quality sleep:

* the ability to fall asleep almost immediately (30 minutes or less);
* you do not wake up at night or get up no more than once;
* if you wake up, you fall asleep again within 20 minutes;
* after awakening is a feeling of vigor and energy.

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Author: alex

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