Doctors have warned about dangerous types of headaches
Headaches are a common occurrence for many people, usually in this case, painkillers help. However, if you do not find out the essence of the problem, the pain will be repeated day after day. Neurobiologists have named the most common causes of headache.
The brain is the most vital organ, and thus the body sends a warning signal. Dilation of blood vessels often provokes headaches, this symptom should not be ignored in this case, as sometimes it can lead to hemorrhage in the brain.
Pain that begins in the frontal lobe and worsens if you lean forward, says about sinus congestion. In this case, the problem is an allergy or infection. Means with menthol or anti-inflammatory drugs can relieve inflammation.
The heaviness felt on the top of the head or on the forehead is the result of emotional or physical stress. At times of stress, the body produces various chemicals that cause muscles to tense up. If this energy is not used, much more glucose and oxygen enter the brain, causing the blood vessels to dilate.
Migraines often start with yawning, blurred vision and thirst as your brain tries to regulate the hormonal imbalance. Sometimes this is followed by an aura or visual distortions, then pain, possibly with nausea and sensitivity to light.
The reason for such pain is in the field of neurology: cells react to any stimulus, for example, too bright light, this makes potassium stay outside the brain cells. It affects the pain receptors directly, narrowing the blood vessels of the brain.
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