Doctors have warned about the risk of increased blood sugar due to white rice
0 < p>In the diet of many people, rice is the main food product. White rice is used much more often than brown rice, as it keeps longer and is easier to transport. However, this product is less nutritious.
According to Harvard Medical School, white rice can raise blood sugar levels and has the same effect as a tablespoon of pure sugar. This grain belongs to products with a high degree of processing and with regular use can increase the risk of diabetes, writes Insider.
White and brown rice are not different types of grain. Brown color is given to it by husks, or bran, and the product becomes white after the processing process, when the shell is removed. It contains the majority of nutrients, doctors point out.
Yes, rice bran contains calcium, unsaturated fats, phosphorus, vitamins B1 and B3, protein and magnesium. They are important for the health of teeth and bones, the cardiovascular and nervous systems, as well as for the growth and development of muscles. Experts warn that all these necessary substances are removed from white rice together with the husk.
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