Doctors have warned about unusual symptoms of liver cancer
An unusual symptom of liver cancer can be pain in the right shoulder blades – oncologists warn.
Most often, liver cancer develops for a long time without obvious symptoms, but sometimes unusual, at first glance, disorders can indicate a dangerous disease. Doctors advise not to ignore pains that occur in different parts of the body, referring to the recommendations of specialists of the American Cancer Society.
Speaking of the unusual symptoms of liver cancer, experts warned that pain in the right scapula may be a signal of the disease. . According to oncologists,
“the resulting tumor may irritate the nerves that tell the brain that the pain is coming from the shoulder blade, when in fact it is coming from the liver.”
There may also be pain in the right shoulder. (sometimes in the shoulders on both sides of the body). In addition, the pain can spread to the back.
In turn, representatives of the British NHS health service reminded of other possible symptoms of liver cancer:
- a yellowish skin tone and eye proteins,
- skin itching,
- darkening of urine and pale feces,
- unexplained loss of appetite and weight loss without special efforts,
- unusual a quick feeling of fullness when eating,
- a general feeling of being unwell.
The NHS has warned that if any of these symptoms occur and do not pass within two weeks, and also have a tendency to worsen, it is necessary to consult a doctor.
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