Doctors: Heart attack symptoms in women differ from men's

According to doctors, women often do not understand that they are at risk for myocardial infarction, which threatens them, since the classic symptoms of a heart attack are more typical of men.

American cardiologists have warned in the press that women, unlike men, do not show characteristic symptoms in case of heart attacks. For example, according to their data, a third of women with acute coronary syndrome (a condition that occurs due to exacerbation of coronary heart disease) do not have classic symptoms of heaviness in the chest.

For this reason, women are at greater risk of receiving an incorrect diagnosis and are even prone to suffering a myocardial infarction unnoticed, doctors say.

According to cardiologist Erica Schwartz, with heart disease in women, “chest pain is not as severe as in men, and women may also experience a runny nose, as with the flu.”

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Author: alex

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