Doctors listed non-obvious symptoms of hypertension
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Hypertension develops imperceptibly – high blood pressure rarely has pronounced symptoms. This disease carries the risk of premature death, damages arteries, makes the heart work harder than it should.
Doctors note that hypertension develops mainly due to poor nutrition and an unhealthy lifestyle , although genetics, age, and other comorbidities also contribute. Experts have told which non-obvious symptoms indicate a dangerous condition.
According to the British Heart Foundation (BHS), people with high blood pressure often suffer from headaches. Doctors also advise paying attention to blurred vision and dizziness. Some people with this disease have nosebleeds, shortness of breath, and chest pain.
To lower high blood pressure, experts recommend eating more fruits and vegetables, reducing salt and alcohol consumption, and adding physical activity to your daily routine. exercises According to doctors, it is necessary to do sports at least 150 minutes a week.
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