Doctors listed the best “antibiotic” products

It is no secret that some inflammatory processes in the body can be suppressed not only with the help of drugs, but also with natural remedies. Moreover, many leading specialists are in no hurry to prescribe antibiotics, as they can cause various side effects, including for the gastrointestinal tract. When it comes to common colds, most doctors advise instead of taking pills to include in the diet certain products that are able to cope with the infection no worse than drugs.

“The immune system protects the human body from diseases by detecting and destroying harmful microbes. It can be strengthened with the help of natural formulas without the use of antibiotics,” the doctors said. Several “miracle” products can best cope with this task.

First of all, it is worth paying attention to onions and garlic. These root vegetables are able to strengthen immunity, restore cells and prevent the reproduction of bacteria thanks to the sulfur compounds contained in them. According to doctors, it is enough to eat two cloves of garlic or one bulb a day.

Kefir is another powerful natural antibiotic. It is ideal for increasing the body's resistance to microbes, protects the upper respiratory tract from infection, is effective in the treatment of bronchitis and asthma, and even prevents the development of intestinal cancer. In addition, the drink is useful for nervous disorders, loss of appetite and insomnia.

Spinach is considered another “superfood”. It contains vitamins A, B, C and E, calcium, magnesium, quartzetin and folic acid, which prevent and fight infections, as well as strengthen immunity. In addition, the vegetable is good for the heart and slows down the aging of the brain.

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Author: alex

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