Doctors listed the popular causes of migraine
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Migraine is a fairly common condition that significantly impairs the quality of life. Many are trying their best to find the right treatment, but sometimes it is very difficult to stop an attack. The main task of scientists at the moment is to find the initial point from which the painful cycle is launched. Identifying triggers, what triggers an attack, can help control the frequency of headaches.
Stress and anxiety
Stress is the number one trigger for migraines, says Dr. Daniel Vilhour, associate professor of neurology at the University of Colorado School of Medicine in Aurora.
She points to past research in the journal Headache. Of 200 new migraine sufferers, 91 percent said they had at least one migraine trigger, and the most common (59 percent of respondents) reported emotional stress.
In addition, chronic migraine sufferers often have higher levels of perceived stress than people without a diagnosis, the study found.
According to Dr. Merle Diamond, president and CEO of the Diamond Headache Clinic in Chicago, changes in atmospheric pressure as well as outdoor temperatures are known to trigger migraines in some people.
Humidity levels and pollution can also trigger an attack, the study says.
< strong>Caffeine
Excessive consumption of caffeine (regardless of the drink) can provoke migraines. However, a small amount of coffee at the beginning of an attack can speed up its end.
“Migraines have an interesting relationship with caffeine. A small amount of it is useful, and an abundant amount is destructive,” says Dr. Vilhur.
She advises her migraine patients to drink up to 250 ml of coffee a day. And it is better to do it in the first half of the day to avoid a negative impact on sleep.
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