Doctors listed the reasons for the lack of appetite in the morning

People often have no appetite in the morning, while few people know that there may be a serious problem behind it. Doctors listed the possible causes of such situations.


During sleep, some hormones fluctuate in the body, which can affect appetite. Studies have shown that adrenaline levels rise in the morning. It is believed that it can suppress appetite.


A person feels less hungry when infected with influenza and other respiratory infections, including pneumonia. Some diseases affect the perception of aromas and taste, which also leads to a decrease in appetite.


Often, this condition of a person is accompanied by a lack of hunger. The patient must recognize the symptom in time and contact a specialist who will prescribe therapy taking into account the effect of anxiety on appetite reduction.

Heavy dinner

If there was food for dinner in the evening , which is distinguished by a high level of fats or proteins, then in the morning you may not really want to eat. These components slow down the emptying of the stomach, which leads to the preservation of satiety.

Among other reasons for the lack of desire to eat breakfast: pregnancy, medication, old age, thyroid gland dysfunction, chronic diseases of the liver, kidneys or cancer.

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Author: alex

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