Doctors named 11 products for men that should be eaten every day

Medics named 11 superfoods for improving men's health. With daily consumption, they will help to get rid of the most common health problems among representatives of the strong half.


According to Maggie Moon, MD, nine out of ten men eat less than the recommended five servings of vegetables a day, including leafy greens. Meanwhile, it improves cognitive functions. Spinach also helps maintain healthy blood flow, which is critical for maintaining heart health during exercise. Doctors recommend adding this green to protein shakes, pasta and other dishes.


“Magnesium supports the normal functioning of the muscle and nervous system. It helps cells produce energy, and is also good for the health of the heart and blood vessels,” said nutritionist Keri Hans.


Doctors recommend choosing a product without sugar, but adding fruits and nuts to it. According to nutritionists, men often think that only women should take care of bone health, and therefore do not consume enough calcium. Meanwhile, they are also at risk of osteoporosis, so yogurt is very good for them.


These vegetables contain the antioxidant lycopene, which protects against prostate cancer. Doctors advise using tomatoes fresh, as well as making sauces, baking them and adding them to pasta of hard varieties.


This vegetable is undeserved in dietetics. offended. Potatoes contain more potassium than a banana, a lot of vitamin C and fiber that is good for digestion. In addition, the vegetable contains carbohydrates that help to restore performance.


This fish is very useful for men's health. It contains a lot of protein and healthy omega-3 fats, which reduce the risk of many chronic diseases. The product helps stabilize blood pressure and helps get rid of plaque in the arteries.


A cup of blueberries contains only 80 calories, so it is ideal for weight loss, which is very important for men's health, since excess weight provokes serious problems, up to oncology. Being overweight or obese is associated with a higher risk of developing late-stage prostate cancer. For this reason, achieving a healthy weight is a key part of preventing this pathology.


This fruit is especially good for heart health because it contains a large amount of unsaturated fat. It also contains a lot of potassium, which helps balance the effect of sodium on blood pressure, and fiber, which is essential for the proper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Whole grains

< p>Whole grain products must be included in the diet. You need to use them every day. They protect men from colorectal cancer. Representatives of the stronger sex suffer from this ailment more often than women. Specialists from the American Institute of Cancer Research and the World Cancer Research Fund have proven that just three servings of whole grain products a day, which is about 90 grams, reduce the risk of colorectal cancer by 17%.

Red wine


In this case, doctors recommend drinking no more than 1 glass of wine. According to scientists, men who participated in the MIND study kept their brains 7.5 years mentally younger when a glass of polyphenol-rich wine was part of their diet. It turned out that this drink reduces the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease in elderly men, but not in women.


Lycopene makes this berry a superfood. In the summer season, watermelon should be included in the daily diet. It can be eaten fresh in pieces, and it also makes delicious watermelon ice or smoothies.

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Author: alex

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