Doctors named 5 products to get rid of continuous headache
Doctors named 5 products to get rid of constant headache. The list turned out to be more than accessible.
Even a short-term headache can spoil the mood for the whole day, what to say, if it does not stop for several hours, and pills do not help. In this case, doctors recommend paying attention to some products.
For example, a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice will help get rid of the ailment. Experts explain the healing effect of this drink with a large amount of potassium, vitamin C and magnesium.
These substances can also relieve dizziness and add energy. Headaches are often caused by low or high blood pressure.
Almonds, which contain a large amount of magnesium, will help in this case. Spinach can reduce pressure and relieve pain. It also perfectly fights the hangover syndrome.
In addition, potatoes baked in their skins made it to the list. This product will be useful if the headache is triggered by alcohol consumption. Sesame ends the list. Doctors recommend using the seeds of this plant in various dishes.
It turned out that the substances contained in them regulate the level of estrogen. This is especially relevant for women, who often suffer from migraines in special periods of their lives.
Also, sesame seeds are rich in magnesium, which improves blood circulation and thus is a preventive measure for headaches.
Despite Doctors recommend a large number of folk remedies and medicines – before starting treatment, you should consult a specialist. It is very important to identify the real cause of the headache.
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