Doctors named 5 reasons why sugar consumption should be reduced

Doctors believe that many people need to eat less sugar, as excessive sugar consumption puts the body at risk for various health complications.

Gives more energy.People who actively consume sugar face the fact that their energy level is constantly fluctuating: after taking sugar, it is followed by a sharp increase, followed by an equally sharp drop. Such fluctuations provoke excessive fatigue. By reducing your sugar intake, you will make your energy production more balanced, which will help you feel better throughout the day.

Reduces inflammation. Sugar abuse leads to activation of inflammatory processes. This puts the body at risk for health problems such as obesity, diabetes, headaches, allergies, etc. reducing your sugar intake can go a long way in reducing the incidence of inflammation-related diseases.

Improves mental health.Another reason to reduce the amount of sugar in the diet is related to psycho-emotional health. Doctors explain that the reduction in the level of inflammation that occurs in this case helps the nervous system better cope with mood swings, stress, anxiety, and depression.

Contributes to the prevention and reversal of diabetes. Good it is known that the consumption of sugar by a person can directly affect his health in connection with how the content of glucose in the blood changes because of it. Doctors state: by limiting the consumption of sweets, diabetics can effectively manage their condition. For people who do not have diabetes, reducing sugar intake reduces the risk of developing prediabetes.

Helps control weight. Scientific research and medical practice show that reducing sugar can not only reduce the risk of obesity and unwanted weight gain, but also improves sensitivity to insulin, prevents the development of resistance to it, which provides protection not only against fat accumulation, but also the occurrence of type 2 diabetes.

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Author: alex

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