Doctors named 8 hidden causes of belly growth in women

Doctors named 8 hidden reasons for women's growing bellies to help them maintain a slim figure. Adherence to the principles of proper nutrition and regular exercise in an effort to lose weight can lead to the opposite result.

Doctors named 8 hidden causes of belly growth in women

Gynecologist said that some people feel constant hunger due to unbalanced production of hormones. The result is the formation of fatty tissue in the waist area. These deposits reduce the production of leptin, which suppresses appetite by affecting the hunger center in the brain. A special type of obesity with an increase in the volume of the abdomen occurs when the functioning of the adrenal glands, ovaries and thyroid gland is impaired.

The waist often increases due to dropsy and gynecological diseases, chronic stress and lack of sleep. At the same time, cortisol is produced, thanks to which a person feels hungry. In women over the age of 45, the amount of estrogen in the body decreases and the metabolism slows down. This contributes to weight gain and overeating.

The nutritionist said that even healthy foods, fasting and sports can lead to an increase in waist size. Plant food is not always beneficial. Vegetables and fruits should also not be consumed in excessive quantities. Otherwise, a person can get better.

However, the body reacts to a large deficiency of nutrients during physical exercises, as if to stress, by starting to accumulate fat. Therefore, the best option if you want to reduce body weight is to ensure a slight lack of calories and engage in sports.

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Author: alex

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