Doctors named a way to protect against a dangerous eye disease

Cataract disease, especially in old age, can lead to complete loss of vision. However, it is possible to reduce the risk of this disease without even resorting to medication.

Doctors named a way to protect against a dangerous eye disease

American nutritionist Julianne Hever told The Insider about the results of the study, conducted by the US National Institute of Vision. It showed that vitamin A, zinc and copper help reduce age-related vision problems.

The study involved 4,757 people aged 55 to 80 with cataracts, age-related macular degeneration, or both. . Participants were divided into four groups and received daily oral supplements for five years. The first group received an antioxidant formulation containing 15 mg of vitamin A, as well as zinc and copper, the second group received only vitamin A, the third received only trace elements, and the fourth received a placebo. As a result, in patients who received all three useful substances, age-related visual dysfunction slowed down by 25% and the risk of blindness decreased by 19%.

Vitamin A is found in large quantities in such everyday foods as pumpkin, carrots, cheese and eggs. As a rule, the orange color of fruits and vegetables is associated with their content of beta-carotene, from which the human body produces the necessary vitamin through a chemical reaction.

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