Doctors named body signals that are dangerous to ignore
According to doctors, the body always sends signals about negative changes occurring in it, but they are often ignored, perceived as a trifle.
Specialists named body signals that are dangerous to underestimate, Freundin magazine (Germany) writes about it. Experts emphasize: the human body does nothing in vain, and you need to be able to notice all the changes that happen to it, because any of them can indicate a disease.
A craving for salad. > Eating salad is a good idea, it provides the body with vitamins, liquid, and a lot of fiber. However, if the craving for this dish increases significantly, it may be a signal of inflammation of the stomach or liver problems.
Desire for something sour.Increased appetite for acidic foods is dangerous to ignore; this may be a sign that the liver is not functioning properly. Another possible cause is problems with the urinary bladder.
Poor quality of sleep. In this way, the body can signal a deficiency of potassium and magnesium.
Dry skin. . If for no apparent reason the skin becomes dry and flabby, most likely the cause is vitamin E deficiency.
Desire for salty food. It is dangerous to ignore such a craving if it, having arisen, lasts for a long time. Various studies have shown that an increased desire for salt can be a signal of inflammation in the body.
Brittle nails, dull hair. The reason for this is often a lack of vitamin B and calcium. If you want to have good hair and nails, the two substances must be consumed in sufficient quantities.
Sweet cravings. Increased cravings for sweets usually occur when blood sugar levels drop or the brain is busy. work and tired. If you constantly feel the need for sweets, you should consult a doctor to rule out serious diseases. For example, diabetes.
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