Doctors named five products that will make the “main organ of longevity” work

Today the term “detoxification of the body” is used quite often, but few ponders over its meaning. Its main target is the intestines, which doctors call “the main organ of longevity.” The strength of the immune system and general well-being depend on it.

In case of intestinal malfunction, problems begin not only with digestion. The body's defense system weakens and becomes vulnerable to various viruses and diseases. You can cleanse the intestines of toxins and improve the microbiome responsible for immunity by adding several foods to your daily diet.


First of all, nutritionists recommend eating every a day at least one portion of citrus fruits. They are rich in vitamin C and antioxidants that help prevent various inflammations. In addition, vitamin C participates in the formation of collagen, which supports the elasticity of not only the skin, but also all tissues of the body.


It is also worth including in the diet of foods rich in probiotics (fermented). These include cheese, kimchi, kombucha, sauerkraut and kefir. They are recommended to be consumed daily.


Hydration is extremely important for improving gut health. “Try to drink at least 10-15 glasses of water. For greater benefits, you can add some herbs and pieces of fresh fruit to it,” nutritionists advise.


Green leafy vegetables >


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Author: alex

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