Doctors named foods that heal liver


Among the liver healing products, doctors secrete carrots, garlic, peel, green. Experts note: even if a person does not drink alcohol, the risk of harming the liver still exists because of the influence of external factors.

carrots. Orange roots act as an antioxidant due to the content of carotenoids, precursors of vitamin A. For this purpose, doctors recommend consuming boiled carrots. Boiled carrots contain Falkarinol – a substance with antitumor action. If when cooked tightly closed the lid of the pan, the vegetable will retain useful vitamins A, B, C, D, E, K, pp.


coffee. Science recognizes the positive effect of the drink (without sugar) on the liver. In particular, there is evidence that coffee can protect against the development of liver fibrosis: consumption of up to three cups a day is associated with smaller body scarring.

cranberries. Substances of cranberries contribute to the neutralization of many harmful components that penetrate the body.

walnuts. Detoxification carried out by the liver in our body. In addition, garlic contains antibacterial substances that protect the organ from harmful organisms.

green tea. There is also evidence that people who consume green tea are less likely to risk liver cancer.

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Author: alex

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