Doctors named popular products that are dangerous for the heart
Heart disease, according to statistics , are among the most frequent causes of death. Scientists have told which products can lead to serious problems with an important organ. Many of them can be found in almost everyone's kitchen. However, not everyone is aware of the deadly threat.
Yes, the list of dangerous foods includes sweet carbonated drinks. According to the study, regular consumption of artificially sweetened beverages can lead to an increased risk of heart disease, as well as an increase in blood pressure.
Right behind the soda is the assorted meats. According to Northwestern University, eating processed meat just two times a week can increase your risk of heart disease by 3-7%.
One of the easiest dinner options is pasta. However, experts warn: processed carbohydrates, “representatives” of which are white bread, white rice and pasta, are known as foods with a high GI (high glycemic index). They can increase the level of glucose in the body to a dangerous level, which increases the risk of heart disease and diabetes.
The list of foods dangerous for the heart also includes energy bars, red meat, fried chicken, ketchup, peanut butter with low-fat, processed fruit juice, flavored coffee drinks and popcorn.
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