Doctors named products that help lose weight without hunger

Doctors claim: in order to lose weight, you don't need to starve yourself and restrict yourself in everything – on the contrary, the diet should be varied.

Experts named products that that help lose weight without hunger. They gave advice on creating a diet that should contain all important nutrients.

Doctors named foods that help lose weight without hunger

Nuts.Their modest portions effectively protect against hunger attacks. Nuts combine fats and protein – components that require long digestion and provide a lot of energy, which promotes an active metabolism. If you replace with nuts all the harmful snacks that people often resort to between main meals, it will help to make the figure slimmer much faster. Up to 30-40 grams should be consumed per day.

Cheese.Hard varieties contain a large amount of calcium – the number one mineral for those who want to lose weight. You can eat up to 50 grams of the product every day. Another option is white cheeses: ricotta, tofu, mozzarella. These are very rich sources of protein, which protects against hunger pangs and strengthens muscle mass, which is important for weight loss.

“The diet must necessarily contain protein and fats in grams per kilogram of weight. Most of the fats should be of vegetable origin, animal fats should be in moderation. As for carbohydrates, they should be supplied by cereals, vegetables, and fruits,” coach Victoria Yablokova advised those who want to lose weight.

Sauerkraut. According to nutritionist Iryna Toropygina , a product rich in probiotics that promote weight loss by improving microflora and the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, it contains a lot of fiber. The recommended portion for a healthy adult is 150 grams per day.

Lard. Pork lard is rich in unsaturated acids, which saturate the body quickly and for a long time. An eaten piece allows you to do without snacks for a long time without feeling hungry. The daily norm for a healthy person is 30 grams, with high cholesterol – a maximum of 10 grams.

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Author: alex

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