Doctors named simple ways to avoid dementia

Many people think that Alzheimer's disease or dementia makes a person forgetful, exhausted, but cannot lead to a fatal outcome. Doctors assure that this is a serious mistake.

The disease destroys brain cells and causes irreversible changes, which are expressed in body dysfunction and disordered behavior. Stanford Health Care experts shared simple techniques that allow you to avoid a deadly form of dementia and protect yourself and your loved ones from this disease.

Physical exercise

Any movement can reduce the risk of dementia, including cooking. Research shows that even a small but regular exercise can reduce the risk of developing dementia by 30%, Alzheimer's disease by 45%.

Intellectual load

Doctors recommend constantly giving yourself not only physical, but also intellectual load. You can read books, solve crosswords and other puzzles. Scientists say that mentally stimulating activity can significantly delay the onset of dementia symptoms, although it cannot completely prevent it.

Keep a healthy weight

Last year, scientists reported the relationship between dementia and being overweight. Research has shown that 25 to 30% of overweight and obese people have an increased risk of dementia.

Don't smoke

Smoking is the most common bad habit , it can cause a number of vascular, heart, and lung diseases. In addition, smoking can cause strokes and small bleeding in the brain, which are also risk factors for the development of dementia. Toxins contained in cigarette smoke, oxidative processes and inflammation from smoking contribute to the development of Alzheimer's disease.

Healthy diet

Doctors advise to eat more fruits to prevent dementia , vegetables, legumes, fish and other seafood. Also, saturated fats such as olive oil and small amounts of red meat, eggs and sweets. A Mediterranean diet that includes many of these foods can lower blood pressure, which affects the development of Alzheimer's disease.

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Author: alex

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