Doctors named tea that protects against deadly diseases
Although life expectancy is somewhat case-by-case, you can take steps to protect the body from potential threats. Doctors note that it is impossible to predict all risks, but it is quite possible to reduce the chances of premature death. This statement is especially true for chronic diseases, which most threaten longevity.
The goal can be achieved first of all with proper nutrition. Experts emphasize that there is no panacea for deadly diseases yet, but some products have shown promise in this area.
One of them is nettle tea. This drink is prepared from the dried leaves of the plant and contains a large amount of polyphenols, which play a crucial role in the prevention and treatment of diseases associated with inflammation – diabetes, heart disease and cancer. In particular, nettle has shown an excellent effect in the treatment of prostate and breast cancer.
It was also found that the plant contains powerful antioxidants that protect the body from aging and cell damage. Moreover, nettle has shown itself to be a promising tool in the fight against diabetes. It turned out that it can significantly reduce the level of glucose in the blood and improve the production of insulin.
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