Doctors named the 4 best ways to keep the heart healthy

There are various practices that go into benefit to heart health, but several methods are distinguished by doctors as really working and effective.

The four best ways to keep the heart healthy for many years were named by specialists of the Cleveland Clinic (USA).

strong>Healthy diet. Doctors consider a diet similar to the Mediterranean diet, which involves limited consumption of refined carbohydrates and saturated animal fats, to be the best for the health of the cardiovascular system. A lot of fruits, vegetables, seafood, as well as whole grain products, unsaturated fats are consumed.

Physical activity. According to doctors, physical activity of medium intensity should take at least 2.5 hours per week . It is movement, sports, and regular physical activity that tone and strengthen the muscles, preventing the accumulation of fat, the excess of which contributes to an additional load on the heart.

Rejection of cigarettes. The components of tobacco smoke damage various layers of vascular tissue, contribute to the development of atherosclerosis, heart attack. One of the best ways to keep your heart healthy is to never smoke, but it's also good not to smoke for years.

Preventive examinations. Heart condition is closely related to heredity, and to detect the problem in time – if TA occurs – you should regularly attend medical examinations. People 40 years of age and older should know their blood pressure and cholesterol levels, as these parameters have a significant impact on the functioning of the myocardium and its susceptibility to diseases.

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Author: alex

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